Maxima Clams


Active Member
Well- its not all about light but thats a good start- you need good water quality and need to feed them. Calcium and strontium should also be maintained- Ca mostly. Do some searches on this board you will find a ton of posts asking that same question, but you asking, shows that you are not ready to keep one (which isnt a bad thing) you just need to do some research because it would be a shame to have one die b/c it wasnt taken care of properly.
here are some key words for you-
DT's Phytoplankton (about the best clam food)
Metal Halide
Giant Clams
Water Perameters


Active Member
What size clam were you interested in? Everything in j21kickter's post is right on the money depending on the size you are buying.
If it is less then say...2 inches you will need to feed it. If it is more mature, and say more then 2...even 3 inches to be safe, you would most likely not have to feed it as it will live on soley the light.
BTW, what kind of metal halide lighting do you have?


I am going to get a mh hood with 2 175 wat mh bulbs with some combination of vho or pc lighting (55 wat or 110 watt bulbs)
I need to get started with Calcium in my tank now for the other stuff, how do I do this?