MAXIMUM Bio load!


btw, I am in no way denigrating those of you who approach this hobby as a science. You can do things with your tanks that we can't, like keep delicate corals and inverts. So please don't take my words as an insult. I have a great respect for the detail you put into maintaining your tanks. But for some of us, it just isn't our thing.


New Member
Originally Posted by mystic7
btw, I am in no way denigrating those of you who approach this hobby as a science. You can do things with your tanks that we can't, like keep delicate corals and inverts. So please don't take my words as an insult. I have a great respect for the detail you put into maintaining your tanks. But for some of us, it just isn't our thing.
TOTAL agreement - while I had success with coral - THAT was a major undertaking and not something I ever want to do again. Takes a VERY regimented and attentive person to run a nice tank with coral.
Me?...I just get fish that don't need too much attention!