May get into seahorses again.


I am itching to get seahorses again.I lost my first horse which was a Kelloggi in October.Only had her for 30 days.
I want to really do it right this time.Dedicated horse tank.Larger tank.
I am looking into a corner or bow tank that is 35 gallons or larger and Erectus seahorses.
I have over $60.00 of frozen Ocean Nutrition Mysis packs that I bought for my other horse that died. So I want to be able to use them also.
I will update when pics after I find a tank to buy.


Active Member
please post pictures, and please pick a good captive breeder. I know a few, pm me if you want.



I am excited.I miss having horses dance...haha
I am also looking into fuscus as I like smaller horses.Anyone have anymore info on them.I have a place I can get them and they are true CB.


Active Member
I dont have any personal experiance, but have been reading about them. They would have no differant requirments then erectus. Thier fry are raised the same way, I do believe they have smaller broods though. a pair would do good in a 20 tall, and several pairs in a 35. you could always buy the 35 so you have room for some of the fry if you raise any.
one thing to remember with captive breed horses, is they arent use to our tanks filled with sand, live rock and plants. They are raised in a bare bottom tank with just a few hitches.
Its a good idea to qt them in a bare tank until they get adjusted. When I got mine, I qt for 4 weeks to be sure they were eatting good, I added a few small pieces of rock and a little macro so they could get use to it. I havent had any problems with my horses eatting or being stressed.


Would Hex tanks work for horses? I have heard some say it can and some say to not use them.
Is there a way to create extra flow with soft power heads?


Active Member
Yes, I think Jeanheckle's new tank is a hex. Cranberrys is a pent.
you could use a canister filter with a split spray bar or one that goes up and down for a nice flow.
I have always liked a hex tank, If you can find one at a good price. I only paid 40.00 for my 20 gal.
As for flow, some one on anothe site told me you can slow down the flow by drilling wholes in the impeller of a powerhead or filter


Active Member
you can make them very easy or buy them. They attach to the output of your canister filter.
The first picture is a small filter that comes with the spray bar, the second you attach to your filter



Active Member
The hook the the hose of a canister filter. I have this filter, and it just hooks to the output hose.

dive girl

I made my own. When I set up my new tank I put in a refugium and then when I plumbed it brought the pvc down into the tank instead of putting one of the split bars in. I drilled several holes in different directions in the bar.


No it actually is going away.
I thought about it and I have 3 saltwater tanks and really want to focus on them. I just lost half of a tanks fish due to Ich.So that has been very stressfull.
I don't know
if I can handle another tank and the cost of a new one right now.

I still want horses so bad but talk myself out of getting them everytime. Who know maybe in the future.I'll just watch videos on youtube when I have the overwelming desire to get seahorses again...HAHA.

I did get about 9 Beautiful Ricordeas and 8 watermellon zoas the other day for one of my tanks.They were cheap at $11.99 to $15.99 each.Awesome neon orange/blue,Green,purple and peach colors.So that should hold me over for awile.
Who knows maybe I'll get horses again but for now I will just enjoy reading everyone elses post and live through you guys...hehe


I say GO FOR IT!!
You know you REALLY wanna!
And h. Fuscus are a fantastic choice. We just got two beautiful lady seaponies from ORA and they're doing GREAT!
And in regards to using a hex tank, see my new post. They are, in my mind, the only way to go with seahorse/seapony tanks!


HAHA! Best advice I ever got. I have been thinking more and more about getting horses. I just don't know if I have the time or money for them right now but I so want them in the future.Hopefully very soon. Who knows.
Your Hex tank is awesome! I love your deep red sease...SO BEAUTIFUL! What species is it?


Originally Posted by dingus890
HAHA! Best advice I ever got. I have been thinking more and more about getting horses. I just don't know if I have the time or money for them right now but I so want them in the future.Hopefully very soon. Who knows.
Your Hex tank is awesome! I love your deep red sease...SO BEAUTIFUL! What species is it?
Do you mean our sea horses? They are H. Fuscus from ORA. We got a great deal from a local dealer who will ship-PM for details.