Active Member
my 55 gallon had been set up for about a month now and im really pleased wit it
i love my fish but there is still somthin missing in my tank
i would love to have at least three or four of them in my tank
but can someone tell me the basics about corals
like wat they need and stuff
heres wats in my tank now:
2 clarki clowns
2 damsels
copperbanded butterfly
a angel fish wit that starts wit the letter "V"
1 cleaner shrimp
8 snails
and today i got 2 blennys that clean the sand
to me i think i have enough fish so might as well spend some $$$ on coral right?
i would love to have corals wit fish but i recently found out that my longnose will eat corals, wat about a copperbanded butterfly, and the angel fish that starts with the letter "V", they both say monitor (explanation plz)
but wat was really sad that once i found out about this (yesturday), late that night i fell asleep in front of my tank for about an hour and i wake up and i c my longnose upside down
i couldnt figure out wat happened, but i think he was gettin bitting from his tank mates. but no i relize that i might b able to get some coral now so im kinda sad and kinda happy.
so will i b able to have coral?? if so wat r some good hardy ones for a beginner
thanks in advanced
i love my fish but there is still somthin missing in my tank
i would love to have at least three or four of them in my tank
but can someone tell me the basics about corals
like wat they need and stuff
heres wats in my tank now:
2 clarki clowns
2 damsels
copperbanded butterfly
a angel fish wit that starts wit the letter "V"
1 cleaner shrimp
8 snails
and today i got 2 blennys that clean the sand
to me i think i have enough fish so might as well spend some $$$ on coral right?
i would love to have corals wit fish but i recently found out that my longnose will eat corals, wat about a copperbanded butterfly, and the angel fish that starts with the letter "V", they both say monitor (explanation plz)
but wat was really sad that once i found out about this (yesturday), late that night i fell asleep in front of my tank for about an hour and i wake up and i c my longnose upside down
so will i b able to have coral?? if so wat r some good hardy ones for a beginner
thanks in advanced