mayb thinkin about goin to reef


Active Member
my 55 gallon had been set up for about a month now and im really pleased wit it
i love my fish but there is still somthin missing in my tank
i would love to have at least three or four of them in my tank
but can someone tell me the basics about corals
like wat they need and stuff
heres wats in my tank now:
2 clarki clowns
2 damsels
copperbanded butterfly
a angel fish wit that starts wit the letter "V"
1 cleaner shrimp
8 snails
and today i got 2 blennys that clean the sand
to me i think i have enough fish so might as well spend some $$$ on coral right?
i would love to have corals wit fish but i recently found out that my longnose will eat corals, wat about a copperbanded butterfly, and the angel fish that starts with the letter "V", they both say monitor (explanation plz)
but wat was really sad that once i found out about this (yesturday), late that night i fell asleep in front of my tank for about an hour and i wake up and i c my longnose upside down
i couldnt figure out wat happened, but i think he was gettin bitting from his tank mates. but no i relize that i might b able to get some coral now so im kinda sad and kinda happy.
so will i b able to have coral?? if so wat r some good hardy ones for a beginner
thanks in advanced


Active Member
If you can tell what type of lighting you have on your tank there should be some better info coming your way in what you can have.
For starters though that don't require those "expensive" lights there are:
And so many others depending on the type of lighting you have.


Active Member
o man im so srry lol forgot to add that
i have 36" t-5 lights the four bulb one wit three moonlights
i bought them so i can have corals


Active Member
also wat about flow? that i dont really understand
i have a wet/dry and my return thing kinda acts like a medium flow power head
but i might get one of those self rotating PH and put it lower and the opposite side of the return one
is that a good idea??
wat about touching corals if i touch it will it get damaged and stuff?


Active Member
Originally Posted by rcdude1990
o man im so srry lol forgot to add that
i have 36" t-5 lights the four bulb one wit three moonlights
i bought them so i can have corals

Okay, I am no expert with the type of lights you have there. So you will have to wait for more replies on that. I just thought I should get you to post what kind you have so someone can help you better.


Active Member
Originally Posted by rcdude1990
plz help asap i want to go early in the morning and i want to go to bed now lol
You know, your tank is so new at this point. You have quite a few fish in there for a "new" setup. IMO I would honestly wait for corals for a bit till your tank ages and everything you have settle a bit more. I see you already have a BTA, usually most folks won't put these in till the tank is at least 6 months old.
With this hobby you must go slow or it is like flushing your money down the toilet.....

I would be patient, which I know alot of us including myself don't have. Wait for some replies and then take it slow and add some corals a few at a time. You don't want to rush into anything and i think you would be much happier if you did.....

sorry to hear about the butterfly, but I think your tank was just not ready to house it yet.
As for the angels, usually 2 don't get along in a tank together. Do you know what kind they are?
Honestly, take things slower and do some more research for what you would like your tank to be in the end.....


Active Member
Originally Posted by rcdude1990
o ok wat about the flow situation?

Do you have a powerhead in there right now? What makes you think you don't have enough flow?


For the floe different corals require different flow. Sounds like your in high gear though. Just a thought, your tank is well over stocked for only a month old. Did the butterfly die? Right now I would be more concerned about your fish and anemone. The anemone is hard to keep in a new tank and thats going to be a issue. What are your water parameters? I no its hard to wait but you need to slow way down. Wait a coouple or 3 months before you start considering corals, most are water qualitity sensitive and I don't think you have cleared that hurdle yet. Just my opinion.


you need to wait at least 6mths before adding corals.with your lights you can keep most corals,and some clams.(i will get argued with on this)if you can over the next few months try to save for some mh.and then start to add your corals.


Active Member
ooooooooooo ok
i went to my lfs yestruday to pick up a few blennys to clean my tank sand
i no i need to wait for corals but i want to b prepared u no wat i mean????
as my parameters go everthing is great, everythin is at 0, and ph is 8.2
i dont think my salinity is good tho, my lfs said to put it at 1.020. mines at 1.020 is that good enough?????
srry i didnt answer u guys b4 but i went to bed lol
ill try to answer some of ur questions now
umm the butterfly dieing situation, i think its tank mates were fightin wit him cause i saw bites on his fins. but its ok im over with him
debbie states somthin about 2 angels?? i only have one lol so thats ok
power head situation, i dont have a power head in my tank but my return pump acts like one. the return pump keeps the surface of the water in motion but were the sand is i dont think there is flow at all
as for the anenome, it looks really fine in my tank, its open all the time and my clowns love him, not only that but he was free so i wouldnt turn down a free invert.
im asking about the reef now cause i went to my lfs and they got a new shipment of fish. but my lfs seller new i bought the lights to have corals in it. so ever fish i liked, and i can afforde he said no that wont live wit ur corals(as in it will eat it) but now that u guys say to wait at least 6 months i think i might go back and get the fish i want.
but if been on these boards ever since the beginnin and so far everything is goin good. so ill take ur words, ill wait 6 months
i really jus wanted to get prepared an stuff


Active Member
As far as those self rotating powerheads go, I have heard that they get locked in 1 spot from calcium and salt build up...just buy some amazing...


Active Member
o they do???
but i might get one but i dont no were to place to it
heres wat my tank looks like:

my return pump is on the top right but i dont no were to place the PH any ideas???
notice this pic was b4 my longnose died


Active Member
On the the top half way down..I have a 92 corner..1 at the top on the left 1 midway down in the middle right near the bottom..


Active Member
wich one should i get like how many gph?
thats wat i was thinkin on the left in the middle
which way should it b facing?


Active Member
kinda up...that is what mine a Maxi-Jet900...prolly like $20 faceit kinda towards the other side or up...just whatever suits you and your livestock...


Active Member
I'm sorry, I thought I read two angels. Guess I read wrong. You know what I would do, if you really want to get something more for your tank I would spend the money on more rock.....

I think if you were to put more rock in there, place it the way you want it that would keep you satisfied for a while as it would be something different to look at.
After the right amount of time then start to add a few corals at a time. You will be much happier and in that time do post on what you think you would like to have and get feed back so when the time is right you can go out and get the stuff you want.
I would honestly wait for more fish. Keep what you have and see how it goes. LFS are always bringing in new fish all the time. If there is something you really want ask them to order it for you.
With the 7 fish you have just see how things go. Keep us posted on them but do the rock thing.......