Maybe not ick? hmmm


I thought this might be ick and had comment that it might be some type of parasit(ick)
So i go to the lfs and ask to buy a cleaner wrasse and the lady is to short to scoop the fish out of the tank, and asked me if i could catch him.
Being the he man that i am,... i take the scoop in one hand and chase him around for about 30 seconds when i catch him and bring him down to the waiting container and,
I look back into the tank and don't see him,... i look one divider over and see him in the same area as a oyster fish i believe.
The oyster fish starts following the wrasse around and chomps down on him and in a few seconds he's history,.... she says she's sorry, since this is her last wrasse.
I apologize for letting him slip over into the next area.
I ask her if the oyster fish just went up 9.99 and she laughed,...
I then went to the store and bought some garlic for plan b.
I crushed the garlic and mixed it into some freeze dried tubeworms(sp) but the sailfin and yellow tang are not interested.
How can i get them interested in eating ther garlic?
[This message has been edited by phliguy (edited 07-12-2000).]


I really did find your reply helpful,...
The (hehehe)in the original post above was regarding my pun on the word "parasit(ick) in the original post, not about the info that you had left me in another post about ick,...
I'm trying the garlic treatment,...
Thanks again,..
ps i need all the help i can get,.. keep it coming!!