McCosker's flasher wrasse or a pigmy angel?


I have a 55 gallon reef, I have a royal gamma, two false percs a perple firefish and a mandarin. I was wondering if it would be ok to add a McCosker's flasher wrasse or a pigmy angel? I was thinking of adding a pigmy angel but I guess he might eat or nip some of my corals and my squmosa clam. Anyone with experience keeping these could give me some advise. I d like to order a new fish from my lfs.


Active Member
Originally Posted by carlos413
I have a 55 gallon reef, I have a royal gamma, two false percs a perple firefish and a mandarin. I was wondering if it would be ok to add a McCosker's flasher wrasse or a pigmy angel? I was thinking of adding a pigmy angel but I guess he might eat or nip some of my corals and my squmosa clam. Anyone with experience keeping these could give me some advise. I d like to order a new fish from my lfs.

See if you can get a pair (M&F, not just 2 fish) of McCoskers. They are beautiful fish (so is the Angel) ands the male will really "flash" with a female around. (I do.)

scopus tang

Active Member
Either; just a matter of which one you prefer. While you may experience some picking from the pygmy, its not very likely, and they are herbivores so they will help to control some forms of nuscience algaes. The wrasse on the other hand are a carnivore, and they will quickly decimate any pod population you have. Both, as was previously stated are very nice fish. Incidently, I had a flasher wrasse with a purple firefish, and the male flasher flashed more for the purple firefish than it did for the female wrasse. Personally, if I had a mandarin, I would never combine them with a wrasse, as the two are competing for the same food source.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Scopus Tang
Either; just a matter of which one you prefer. While you may experience some picking from the pygmy, its not very likely, and they are herbivores so they will help to control some forms of nuscience algaes. The wrasse on the other hand are a carnivore, and they will quickly decimate any pod population you have. Both, as was previously stated are very nice fish. Incidently, I had a flasher wrasse with a purple firefish, and the male flasher flashed more for the purple firefish than it did for the female wrasse. Personally, if I had a mandarin, I would never combine them with a wrasse, as the two are competing for the same food source.
I guess I must have missed the 55 gal part ( my age?), I agree with you.