Mckevinfang's Modified 14G BioCube Diary


Well it's been a while since I posted an update. I've been busy with work, girlfriend and school.

I bought a modified 14 gallon biocube and switched over everything from my old biocube into this one.

The MOD's:

- Original Biocube Matching Stand w/Cabinet
- Arctica Nano Chiller 1/20hp
- Titanium Control Heater
- NanoTunner Light Upgrade (extra 24 watt PC) 2xDaylights 1xAtinic
- MJ 900 Return Pump
- Hydor Deflector nozzle
- MJ 1200 (To Chiller and back to tank DT loc-line upgrade)
- Sealed bottom right water intake
- Upgraded Overflow attachment top right water intake
The Back Chambers:

**Chamber 1**
- Titanium Control Heater
- Filter Pads
**Chamber 2**
- Chemi Pure Elite
- ESV Activated Carbon
**Chamber 3**
- Purigen
- MJ 900 Return to DT
- MJ 1200 Chiller to DT
The Display:

- 15 lbs LS
- 20 lbs LR
- Fist Full of Cheato
- 8 Onyx Nass.
- 3 Tongan Nass.
- 4 Astrea Turbos
- 1 Scarlet Hermit
- 4 Blue Legged Hermits
- 1 Peppermint Shrimp
- 1 Hitch Hiker Pistol Shrimp (can't seem to find him)
- 1 Purple Firefish
- Bunch of Assorted Corals
The Story:

So I was looking for a tank for my GF and i found this sweet deal from a local reefer in SF hooked it up for $220.00 CASH i was planing on giving my GF the old BC14 but she changed her mind and wants a different tank. Im going to pick up a 12G nanocube with stand (going to paint the tank all Black *currently brown and black*) and upgraded 70watt MH fixture and 24watt PC ballast (94watts total) tomorrow for $150.00 CASH for her. I sold the old BC14 on CL for $250.00 CASH nice trade on my side
. im thinking of doing a foam wall on her 12G nanocube. I didnt lose anything during the transfer which was great and the corals love the extra lighting. Thinking of what type of fish would go good in this tank with the livestock already in here.
Fish Suggestions the "NO's":

- Bi Color Blenny = No (known to pick on firefish and gobies)
- Orange Spotted Goby = No (heard they might dump sand on top of corals and kills the coral big NO-NO)
- Yellow Clown Goby = No (the last 2 i had both died dont want to go through that drama again)
- Sixline Wrasse = No (might beat up my purp. firefish and eat my pep. shrimp)
- Lawnmower blenny = No (known to pick on firefish and gobies and may starve in this little tank)
- Pink Scooter Blenny = No (too small of a tank may starve)
- True/False Perculas = No (for some reason I dont like these guys anymore)
- Royal Gramma = No (may eat pep. shrimp and pick on purp. firefish)
Fish's Im thinking of Getting:

- Pair of black and white Clowns
- Another Purple Firefish
- Pair of Neon Gobies
- Hector's Goby
- Yellow Watchman Goby
- 1 Green Goby and a Citron Goby
- Pair of Pajama Cardinals
- Pair of Banggai Cardinals
- Princess Damselfish
Im open to any suggestions and advice ill try and post pictures soon my GF has my digital camera!!
just curious as to why you got the chiller? It says you are SF and i dont remember it ever getting too warm there.
Tank looks so sweet though so whatever youre doing keep it up


Active Member
Originally Posted by Freeborder_01
just curious as to why you got the chiller? It says you are SF and i dont remember it ever getting too warm there.
Tank looks so sweet though so whatever youre doing keep it up

yeah, you dont need it. Sell to me


Thanks for all the nice compliments guys!!
i run the chiller because i run a heater and im on the 2nd floor of my house 1 window usually shut all the time room temp is 74'F+ most of the time, heat rises and there's always something cooking in my house
. i dont have to worry about heat problems

still need a fish suggestion to go with the purple firefish and peppermint shrimp