mean clown fish


New Member
I have a clown fish (amphiprion ocellaris) every time you stick your hand in the tank to feed or water change or do anything he swims right to your hand,and will bite you sometimes even drawing blood. i dont want to get rid of him, i have had him for a very long time. wat do i do


Active Member
I have a clown like that too. I pretend that my hand is a fish and I'm going to eat the clown...sometimes she'll back down and sometimes she'll get ballsy and try to bite my hand. Not much you can do, just get thicker gloves. Good Luck.


Active Member
What do you do? Nothing, just understand that a clown is from the damsel family and that most of us clown owners have been bitten and blood has been drawn.


if you have one of those blue algae scrubbers you could put that on one side while you work on the other- mine hates that more then my hand


Active Member
You really should just get some thicker gloves. It is still annoying, but at least it won't hurt. This is one of many reason you should wear gloves while handling your aquarium.


An ocellaris attacking you? That is a pretty mean one. I have a pair and they are big sissies. They are kept with bigger fish so that might keep them chilled out. My large tomato on the other hand is a nightmare


mine have never attacked me sometimes they will nibble on my hand but i also can hand feed them. They mistake my hands in the tank for feeding time i think.


Active Member
Clowns aren't smart.
I catch mine when I'm doing maintenance using my hand as bait, and keep it in a small iso tank until I'm done.


Active Member
Originally Posted by gmann1139
Clowns aren't smart.
I catch mine when I'm doing maintenance using my hand as bait, and keep it in a small iso tank until I'm done.
You really should avoid physically touching fish. If you rub off their slime coat, that makes them prone to illness.


Active Member
Originally Posted by camfish
You really should avoid physically touching fish. If you rub off their slime coat, that makes them prone to illness.
Did I say I touch the fish?
Dangle your hand in the tank, fish swims towards it, catch it in plastic container, hang on tank until maintenance is complete.