Mean Clowne Fish?


New Member
Is it possible for a clown fish to become so mean it will kill other fish. we have had the clown fish for 1yr. and it was the only fish in the tank. we have a sand Star fish, and blue legged hermit crabs. we recently added a foxface. it was doing really good for like 2 weeks then all of a sudden we found him dead. and we got a goby and found it dead a 3 week later. all chemicals are good. salt is good. Temp. is good. so i can't figure out why the foxface and goby died. the star fish is good , hermits are good and the clown is good. any help would be gladly accepted. sorry if this is in the wrong forum area.


Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by pinklvr26 http:///t/396125/mean-clowne-fish#post_3528700
Is it possible for a clown fish to become so mean it will kill other fish. we have had the clown fish for 1yr. and it was the only fish in the tank. we have a sand Star fish, and blue legged hermit crabs. we recently added a foxface. it was doing really good for like 2 weeks then all of a sudden we found him dead. and we got a goby and found it dead a 3 week later. all chemicals are good. salt is good. Temp. is good. so i can't figure out why the foxface and goby died. the star fish is good , hermits are good and the clown is good. any help would be gladly accepted. sorry if this is in the wrong forum area.
Welcome to the site!
Yes clownfish can get very territorial, the size of the tank could also play a role if the clown is what size is it? You would see signs of aggression if that were the case. Telling us everything is "good" doesn't give us a drop of real information. Post the test result numbers.


New Member
the tank is a 55gal.
this is are test right now.
PH 7.8
Temp. 79.6
Ammone .25
Nitrate 0
Nitrite 0
Phosphate .25
Salt 1.022
I use the API Testing kits.


What type of clownfish is it? I should also mention that a one spot fox face should be kept in like a 75 gallon aquarium and most other types of fox faces should be kept in even larger aquariums. That would definitely create stress for the fox face.
pH is low. try reducing the ammonia to 0 so the pH goes up. it should be around 8.2-8.4. Clownfish do get very territorial and aggressive.


Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by pinklvr26 http:///t/396125/mean-clowne-fish#post_3528707
the tank is a 55gal.
this is are test right now.
PH 7.8
Temp. 79.6
Ammone .25
Nitrate 0
Nitrite 0
Phosphate .25
Salt 1.022
I use the API Testing kits.
API test kits have a problem with nitrate will read 0 nitrates when it's very low, but if it climbs at all, the reading will go off the chart saying it's dangerously high. I can't keep up with how many folks on the site thought they had a serious nitrate problem, when all along it was the API test kit (me included)
You should have 0 ammonia reading, as well as 0 Phosphates...both are harmful for sea life. It has not reached dangerous deadly levels yet, but it's a concern that needs attention right away. Water changes will help considerably, and if you can add some decorative macroalgae in the display, or chaeto macroalgae in the sump would eliminate (Over time) any problems with PO4 (phosphates) and keep the tank water pristine. It absorbs everything bad from the water to live, and as you remove the overgrowth, you export it from the tank.
If you tested your PH early when you first turn on the lights, it will be low, it will climb throughout the day, and is the highest just before lights out.