Mean Trigger need ideas of how to show him who's boss!!

hey it me again!
I got the puffer and the lunare wrasse. I put them in and the trigger started to nip on them. the lunare and puffer are to fast for him but he's still trying to nip them.
Bottom line need to show him whos boss.
does any1 know how to calm a mean (not evil) trigger.
don't know if the fish can last the constant chasing it breaks my heart :help:


Active Member
Depends on what species it is, mainly. Also, sounds like the two new fish were added after the Trigger and after he'd already established territory.
Easiest thing to do is to rearrange all rock work. If that doesnt work, take the Trigger and put in a seperate tank (if you have one) for a few weeks and then re-introduce to the display.
If that doesnt work, you're gonna have to decide whether you want to get rid of the two new fish or get rid of the Trigger.


Active Member
Unfortunately, I've given you the only ideas that are feasible. You can't just "teach" a Trigger to behave. By instinct, they're territorial...there's nothing you can do to change that.
What tank size are we talking about, here...and how big are the fish?
niger trigger = 2-3"
lunare wrasse = 2-3"
hawaiian spotted puffer = 1-2"
yellow tailed damsel fish and beau gregory dasmel fish = 1-2"


Active Member
Rearang the rock, totaly diffrent, as said before. I was told that the niger triggers were one of the nicest, so hopefully that works.

pogi pants

You should take the trigger out first, then re-arrange the rocks. Then you add him back it, it'll be like he's the new guy. If that doesnt work, then discipline him with the belt. works for my kids.
Rearranging the rocks in an aquarium seems to be a wives' tale for me. I've kept fresh and salt almost my whole life, and always try that during aggression problems. Though now that I think back, I don't believe it's ever worked, not even once.
In a huge tank, it might be possible that it would make a difference, but in tanks under 100 gallons, it seems to just give them a new structure to chase their victim around.
Well i did wat u guys said 2 to except i didn't take the trigger out cause the all the rest of my tanks are reef and I read about how nets detroy the fish's slime coat. Anyways, all the fish in the tank now are either acting peacefully to each other or just avoiding each other. Thanks 4 the help


triggers can usually out do a grouper
but it will force the trigger to leave the other fish alone because then the grouper will take over the triggers territory