mean yellow tang


I have a yellow tang that's a nasty fish. I added a blue hippo after adding him and they never got along. After about six months of that, today I added a bangaii cardinal. He started attacking him with his fin right away. I pulled him out and qt him right away. I know yellows are supposed to be the last fish added. If I add him again later will he start the fighting again? Or should I just get rid of it and try with a different fish? Maybe a puple?


You could do a purple, but theyre more expensive and harder to take care of. Or if you want to keep your yellow. take him out of the tank for a day or two. Rearrange the rocks and add him back after adding your cardinal and if hes still after the blue.And when you add him, keep the lights off for like 4 hours.
And BTW, what size tank are you keeping these in?


yes the 120. I'm not having any trouble taking care of them, just keeping the peace. What I'm wondering is has anyone tried rearranging the rocks and all that? He's mean....:mad:


i did when i put my foxface with my sailfin. My sailfin was being very mean. but when i re-did the rocks he left the foxface alone. :D


I had the same problem. I took the YT out for a week but he was still aggressive even after moved some of the rockwork. Try using a small mirror for a while. The YT will forget about the other fish for a while. Just watch him so he doesn't get stressed out. I had my mirror up for 2 days and everyone is doing great.


unfortunatley I think I'm going to euthinize him. He's not getting along with anyone, and I can't give him away knowing what he's capable of. He already killed my beautiful copperband a couple months ago. I don't think a change of scenery is going to help this one....


don't kill him.........are you feeding him enough? Mines more aggressive when he is hungry, and he doesn't pick at algea much, he's too addicted to my food I guess. Mine bothered my Mandarin a bit for a week or so, but they are buddies now.....


I moved it to my qt with a majestic that I just got. They're getting along fine. I changed up all the rock in my display. I'll probably give him a month in qt. I'll put the majestic in 1st, then reintroduce the tang the following week. If he acts up again, he's done....:nope:


are you gonna kill him, or take him to the store. He will most likely behave after the timeout in the qt. You have a good heart by not killing him. BTW your my hero of the week.:cheer:


New Member
My tang was mean to mt swallow tail angel when he joined my tank but thay learned to get along...he tries to intimidate the little clowns and damsels but he does not touch them...he just puffs up his fins and looks bigger!!! Don'e flush yours...he just has lots of pesonality!!