meat coral


Active Member
can anyone help...the body of this coral is disappearing...the water test great and it has been in there for a little over a month...then it started going away i did see pods on it at night when i started looking at night....any help would be great


You may have some sort of water quality problem that you didnt test... what did you test?
salinity, Ph, Nitrates and Nitrites and Phosphates would be good to!
good luck with a new one... that one is GONE!


Active Member
You need to list all you can about your system and where the coral is located.
Lights, size, age, calcium, alk, is it on the sand bed, yada, yada, yada.....


Active Member
ok i'l try to annswer what i know for sure (sorry)... salt is 30ppt or 1.022 whichever one you what to read....not sure on the bulbs but i bought the upgraded lights the formosa deluxe-jg3 model if that helps at all again sorry...calcuim is 400-450....i found something on the light paper work the bulbs maybe 10,000k daylight....71000k-blue actinic/marine reef....
i had it in the sand, the rock it's atached to is about 3 inches thick...thats where i had all the pods on i moved it up in another rock about 5 inches or so from the bottom....its a 90 gallon tank...and its in low water flow..hope that open brain corals look great and i have a irovy coral and its doing well also.
again thanks everyone


Active Member
Well, I am not familar with the lights you have, are the PC? How many watts?
Can I ask why you run your SG so low? Sea water is 1.o26/1.026, this is where I run mine.
You have other brains and this is the only one that went south, hmmm.
Could anything else have stung it?


Active Member
it was by a long tenicale sp? and when i saw it getting close i moved it...but that was a while ago...the manual for the lights say the watts are65 and 96 watt lamps illuminate 3x more compared to traditional lamps...for what thats for the salt i go by the hydrometer...i do thatnk you for the time and help...i just dont want this to happen again if i can that is why i want to find out..


Active Member
i was feeding it marine snow and c-balance...and then other foods fall in to it from time to time


Active Member
It looks like you have algea growth around the rim which will prevent the body from coming out. I had a bubble coral I rescued that looked that way. I took a soft tooth brush and brushed all the algea off (takes some time in teh stubborn spots). Also - brush right along the healthy edge of the tissue a bit - very lightly - to keep any unseen algea from building up right there. It took me about 5 days of constant brushing and it started opening up.
Is it opening up at all?
Are you using RO/DI water or tap?
How old are the lights?


Active Member
the lights are 6 months old max and i use de-chlorine tap...i will try the brush...pretty much looks like this most of the time what would a full open one look like..if you have time if not thanks for the advice
the strange thing is it was fine until a week ago or so...and everything else is fine....maybe it just happened...


I have never seen an elegance look like that before, they've always been so full you can't even see the skelaton. Do a search for 'elegance coral' on here. Someone had a really good pic of one. Using R/O water would probably help with that algea problem you're having. Elegance have been known to be difficult to keep.


Active Member
its a meat coral...but thanks to everyone how has tried to help....and with that said, let the sing begin....amazing grace how sweet the sound.....


A meat coral and an elegance coral are the same, as far as I have ever heard...Catalaphyllia species


Active Member
good i thought so...i looked it up in my book...thought maybe i was doing something wrong...if they were the same glad they're not


Ahh, Cynarina sp. yes? Sorry to lead you in the wrong direction, I'm glad someone was able to correct me. Guess that's why it's great that there are latin names for everything, with as many common names for everything as there is. Serving as notice, if I ever
in the wrong direction, please feel free to :nope: me. Thanks, and again, sorry larrynews!