Mechanical Filter


Ihave a spare mechanical filter which I plan on using on my 20long. Is it ok if its on only when the light's come on ? ie, 12hrs a day (for now). Or should it be on all the time ?


For best results it should be on all the time. If you are not changing the filter media often you will need to leave it on. Once the bacteria starts growing it will die off once the filter is turned off.



Originally posted by nolofinwe
id take it out like you described, especially during feedings. if you go full blown reef you might only want to run it a few hours a day. i dont even use one anymore, the water flows into my refugium and most detrius settles there.

I'm not using a refugium. The only reason I have a mechanical filter is cause I will be out of town for a few week's. And i will not have anyone doing water changes. My room mate will change the filter cartridge and do water top up's. and feed the fish.
So, that's Y i asked. :)