Medal halide running temp.

Okay im going to go with 2x250 watt 14k medal halide systems on my 75 gallon. The only problem I think I will run into will be the tank getting to hot. I do not want to add a chiller into the aquarium. My house will never get more the 78 degrees. I do have a canopy and will be buying a retro fit kit, so I will be putting the kit under the canopy, the canopy is a all-glass wood top. So my question is will my tank get too hot! Also I will have 3 fans constantly blowing on them and a glass top over my water. Should I take the glass tops off? Any suggestions would help, sorry the post is so long I wanted to give details so I can get a good answer. I will be adding pictures of my top so you can get an idea.


Active Member
Honestly you are almost definitely going to need one.
You may be able to use fans and such to mitigate it, but with that canopy those lamps are going to be pretty close to the water. You can remove the glass tops from the tank, but if you don't have a glass guard in front of the lamps, you will be a high risk of a splash hitting the lamps. If water splashes on an operating halide, it will almost definitely shatter.
Why not use a T5 kit instead? You won't have any problems with that.


Active Member
If you want MH I would look into a bigger top like 18 in at least.It is not good to have bulbs that close to the water.If you get a new top all you would need is fans I have fans on mine and it stays @ 80 deg.If you can't buy a new top go with T-5's
Okay thanks for the input, what about vho's? Will they run too hot, I know they run a lot cooler than mh, I can get 440 watts of light output. I wanted to get some lps and softies and maybe as well as a ritt anemone? Any other input would be great.


Active Member
VHOs will work as well.
I kept 440w of VHO over a 55 with a canopy very similar in size to what you have. A couple fans in the canopy kept things just fine.
But when I added halides to my 55g (2x175w), I definitely needed a chiller. My chiller runs for hours every day of summer.
The Ritteri is what you need to worry about on your list, but I think with 440w of VHO you'll be just fine.