Media before skimmer


What are your thoughts on placing a phosphate remover in front of the skimmer ? Normaly I would advise people not to do this since it can act as a nutrient trap. However this tank has been neglected for about 5 months since I have been pursuing other hobbies aggressivley.
In any event I was thinking about placing a Phospahate remover in my (hot filter) which serves the sump where my skimmer is locatated (see picture).
Also what phosphate remover media can someone suggest ? I was thinking about using Seachem since it seems like it would work well in my filter.


^^ Bump....
I'm not looking for a definitive answer just thoughts on this Good or bad. I also wasnt planning on leaving the phospate remover in there permanatley just enough to help bring the levels down.
Another option I considered was to use a passive method in the sump but I dont think this is as effiecient as forcing the water thru the medium.
If the tank is in bad shape and you are willing to change the carbon out on a regular basis to get things back in order I would say put it in front of the skimmer then just don't let it get clogged up.


Thanks for the Quick response Rich. I wasnt planning on using Carbon but a phosphate remover. I was mostly intersested in how my skimmer would react to having a media in front of it . I would expect a decline in skimate since the phos remover would get some of the organics before the skimmer did. Also my skimmer can pull out 100 ML of dark skimmate a day so I'm not even sure its worth it .
I plan on keeping an eye on the different kind of bubbles present in the skimmer since there are two kinds ( normal foam and protein foam).
The goal I want to achieve is to remove Phosphate without affecting my skimmer's output. I'm not sure if this is possble with my current design....
I've been doing water Changes more frequently but nothing happens fast in this hobby.