Originally Posted by
2Quills http:///t/397570/medical-homelessness#post_3543876
Lol, where do you think all of these doctors to handle every patient in the nation are going to come from? We just pull them out of thin air? There was already a shortage of doctors before the aca and this just made it worse.
Doctors or hospitals have private contracts with insurance companies. Its not the doctors fault that the only "affordable plans" offered through the ACA are going to be picked up by the bottom feeders. Those who need the patients. Which is practically no one in that field.
Yes, if you want a good plan and a good doctor then it's going to still cost you one way or another. Then you can wait, wait and wait some before before they have time to get you in and see you.
So much for affordable, preventative health care. But wait...democrats have an ace up their sleeve. Once the entire medical industry is so jacked up the people will practically be begging government to come in a rescue health care yet again. Thats when they plan to implement the single payer system that they wante all along.
Again, where will all of these doctors and extra medical staff come from to handle the demand? Most likely, places like India, Africa and Mexico. Don't believe me? Try checking into these other countries that have already implemented such systems and see where they found theirs.
Blame enormous tuition costs for the lack of motivation for young people getting into the medical field. After it's all said in done, from a BA, to pre-Med, to Medical School, to Residency, the average cost is probably close to $300K. If they don't get into a specialization and stick to General Medicine, they'll only pull in around $100K - $150K a year, if that. Sorry to burst your bubble, but the cut in fees doctors can charge a patient have been going on WAY before Obamacare came around. Insurance companies have negotiated prices down to nothing for decades. Doctors raise there base fees like Office Visits 30%, the insurance company simply comes back and says they'll only pay a third of the overall charge, so they end up getting the same as they did before. The Democrats aren't the one's who "jacked up medical costs" my friend. It's your Conservative brethren who pander to the medical industry lobbyists and have never done ANYTHING to try and curb or reduce medical costs for the average American citizen. Bush was in office for 8 years, and he did squat to make insurance premiums affordable for low and middle class families. Those families either went without medical treatments, or simply got it for free going to the county hospitals and clinics, which your taxes paid for. With ACA, they now have to be responsible for SOMETHING, even if it's $50/month. Kids still going to college can stay on their parents insurance until they are 26 so they don't have to worry about dropping out of school to pay for some medical treatment. Doctors can no longer deny coverage based on pre-existing conditions. Low and middle income families can now afford to purchase catastrophic insurance in case they do succumb to a terminal illness or have some major accident or injury. Prior to ACA, they might as well crawl up and die, because they could never afford to pay back the humongous medical bills they'd receive for their care. Oh wait, the Republicans had a plan that would offer similar benefits. Yet, in all those years they had the opportunity to implement those ideas, they never did it. They were satisfied with the status quo, and cared only about themselves.