Medium Light, Medium Flow


I keep seeing that many corals have different needs, some meed lots of light some need low light some need medium light, and other need high flow and other are the same as the light listed above, so i guess the question is can any one fill in the blanks:
low light:
low flow:
medium light:
medium flow
lots of light:
lots of flow:
thanks ahead of time...


Active Member
Originally Posted by SWFISHFAN
I keep seeing that many corals have different needs, some meed lots of light some need low light some need medium light, and other need high flow and other are the same as the light listed above, so i guess the question is can any one fill in the blanks:
low light:place near bottom of tank or under over hangs for indirect lighitng.
low flow:very little water moation maybe just a gentle waving of polyps
medium light:depending on your light system of course, midway to lower regions of your tank
medium flow: definate movement to the polyps but not rapid current
lots of light: high up in the tank no shading, if you have weak lights try to keep them as close as possible to the surface
lots of flow: rapid water movement, constant shifting in current, unpredictable flow, surging current.
thanks ahead of time...

I wrote my answers in in red, this is all subjective to the type of lights you have of course. if you have minimal lighting such as 130W powercompacs on a 55g tank then you should consider your entire tank low light. if you have 2x250w halides on the same tank you can consider most of the tank high light except under over hangs and at the outer reaches. I hope this helps as there really is no definate answer to what is low light and what is high light.....


Originally Posted by reefkprZ
I wrote my answers in in red, this is all subjective to the type of lights you have of course. if you have minimal lighting such as 130W powercompacs on a 55g tank then you should consider your entire tank low light. if you have 2x250w halides on the same tank you can consider most of the tank high light except under over hangs and at the outer reaches. I hope this helps as there really is no definate answer to what is low light and what is high light.....

so what your saying is that even if i did have weaker wattage lights if i kept low light corals up high in my tank then it would be ok to keep, or maybe even mid level and keep the medium light corals high up or none at all and of course with weak lighting considering lots of light needing corals would be dumb?


Active Member
low light: mushrooms
low flow: mushrooms
medium light: brain corals, leathers
medium flow: brain corals, leathers
lots of light: most sps
lots of flow: most sps