Megan Fox, you are no longer hot in my eyes.

angler man

Okay, I'm a happily married man, but I enjoy that there is a super hot brunette that got the role in transformers instead of the typical boring blond(no offense to blond women).
So my eye caught a few quotes, and I'm sorry, but Megan, you are just gross.
"I'm horrible to live with. I don't clean. My clothes end up wherever I take them off. I forget to flush the toilet. Friends will tell me, "Megan, you totally pinched a loaf in my toilet and didn't flush." - FHM, June 2007

Obviously an old quote, but man that's friggen gross.
"If you eat Chinese food, your farts come out like Chinese food. If you eat Mexican food, your farts come out like Mexican food. And milk, it's like-you can smell the warmth in the fart. My wardrobe on Transformers always smells like farts, and I have no idea why." - GQ, October 2008

Wow, she's just brilliant too.
Oh well, maybe it was too much to hope that tinsel town would be have a stunningly hot brunette with an IQ over 5.


Active Member
What about how she tells all her boyfriends to get a tattoo of her face o ntheir arms and then dumps them??? A little immature?
If your blessed with a face, something else has to be lacking! You cant have everything in life lol.

angler man

That sounds nice! With all of that money she makes maybe she should invest in one of those automatic toilets so she doesn't leave anymore evidence of laziness?