melafix and organi-cure for ich??


New Member
i have a powder brown and a maroon clown with ich,i just treated the 55gal tank with organi-cure that is spose to take care of ich other people seem to have good luck with melafix can i also put this in my tank if not how long should i wait before using melafix?? organi-cure has 1.25% of copper and 17%formaldehyde.


Well, first of all I would'nt use either of the chemicals to treat ich. The best and only sur fire way to kill ich is hyposalinity. Copper causes liver damage and fermaldihyde is use to preserve dead things. do a search on hyposality and you can get the directions.
Hyposalinity seems to have helped more people than any other treatment but nothing is 100% against ICH. Alot of it has to do with the stage of the disease....if it is in it's early stages or at the fatal stage. Keep in mind that if you do use a copper-based can/will kill inverts you may have in your tank (if you DO have any). I used MelaFix once on a half-black angel when he first showed signs of ICH and I was able to treat it right in my main tank.....I was lucky tho I think. I wish you success in ridding your tank of this dreadful disease.