Melevsreef still operational?


New Member
Does anyone know if the gentleman who runs the Melevesreef website is still making sumps or not?


Well-Known Member
I believe he is but he's a pretty busy guy. Shoot him an email I'm sure he'll respond sooner or later. I just inquired about some internal overflows from him and he said he would do them. The surrest way to find him is probably on his new forum site.


New Member
Okay well i have sent a few e-mails with no reply, so I was wondering what is a good refuge/sump to buy for my 90Gallon tank or does anyone know who makes custom ones? I need one ASAP!!!


Well-Known Member
If you need a refugium in a hurry I would just partition the tank with egg crate so you have a small refugium area. And add some lights.
You can also use plastic storage containers for refugiums/sumps. a 30g container was like $10 or so last year at the local wall mark.
my .02