Melting shrooms


New Member
Ive been loosing a large mushroom a week and not sure whats going on. I checked my water and everything was looking pretty good amonia was a up a littel so ive been doing water changes every other day but still loosing my shrooms. all my other softies are doing great clams look good any thoughts.


Why is your ammonia up? Maybe nitrites and trates are up too? Post all of you water parameters and folks can help you better, but I would say that if it's not the ammonia, it's probably notrites. And if it's not the trites, it soon will be.


New Member
ammonia .25 nitrate 10 guess ill have to keep doing water changes but why is it only affecting my shrooms.


sounds like a decaying fish causing ammonia maybe
How mature is the tank, just cycling or what?


New Member
All fish are accounted for. my tank is a year old the only things ive change is 2 weeks ago i added 250w MH to my system.
I just added AmQuel+ to my system i going to give a hour and see if it drops my level.
Ive allso noticed brown slime starting to form dont have phosphate tester so not sure ware im sitting at that.


New Member
Well i cut up the shrooms that were starting to decay hoping maybe theres something to salvage there we will see if any of the frags regenerate or not keeping my fingers crossed.


Active Member
MH could be affecting the shrooms. You might try moving them to a shadier or less light intense area of the tank.
A diatom bloom would not be abnormal with new lighting. You could be beginning to see diatom casings in the tank. This should clear up within a few weeks.
As to the ammonia, something else has caused it. Amquel is OK in an emergency but, I'd follow up with a large WC of 30-40%. With ammonia present you will get nitrites. Both are dangerous.
Good luck.


New Member
Ya i thought about the lighting be to intense so i did try moving them under a rock ledge with no success. just seems a bit weird that its not affecting anything else but the shrooms my recordeas are doing great and all my leather clams, polyps etc its just affecting my large shrooms all the smaller ones seem to be uneffected.

nm reef

Active Member
Hmmm...the change in lighting could definitely cause the problems with the 'shrooms and could contribute to the algae...did you slowly acclamate the new lighting to your system?I'd also be curious about the type of test you use for ammonia...many can expire and have been known to give a false reading. I still have a test for ammonia(American Pharicuticals) that always reads .25....and the same water will read 0 with a Salifert test kit. So the ammonia may be a false reading with the lighting causing the problems.:thinking:
I'd consider moving the 'shrooms to a lower/shaded location and let them stabilise before doing anything I'd consider maybe reducing the photo period and gradually increase it over a few weeks time. Plus I'd try to get a trusted LFS to run a test on your water and compare the results.


New Member
Well as far as a test kit im useing Aquarium Pharmaceuticals INc Saltwater Master Liquid Test Kit and your right ammonia has allways tested .25 so to be honest i just ignored it cuz it never seemed like i could get it below that.
Acclamating the new light well have to to be honest i turned it on and let it rip prehaps it was to much of a shock for them, would that exsplain why the smaller shrooms are doing well with the smaller mantle its not stressing them as much. what kind of photo period do you recommend im runiing abouit 12 hours full lights and attinics 1 before and after

nm reef

Active Member
Sounds like a false ammonia reading to me....I'd urge you to consider a Salifert test...much more accurate and reliable.
Any time lighting is radically increased its a good idea to make the change as gradual as possible to prevent/avoid problems.:thinking:


Active Member
Is that 14 total, 12 of which have mh running? If so, I'd knock it back to 6 hours of mh, 1 hours actinic before and after. Wait a week then add an hour to mh and so on. Pesonally, I run my lighting a total of 12, 1 of which is actinic only.