Many years ago, my soon-to-be husband bought me a betta and we dropped him in a little bowl. I was sick of cleaning the little bowl every 2-3 days, so he moved into a 5 gallon tank.
The 5 gallon tank could hold more fish, so I bought more. :joy:
Gabe then bought 2 10 gallon tanks of his own for goldies and FW tropicals.
Not to be outdone, I bought a 29 gallon for my goldies.
Then he bought a 30 for his tropicals, sold both 10 gallons, and bought a 55 for goldies.
For Christmas, I got just enough money to get a nicely equipped 20 gallon tank, and at first I had goldies in there.
Then I made the switch over to SW. I moved the goldies into the 29 and converted the 20 into a FOWLR. My clownfish are now 2 years old. :happy:
My mom wanted a tank too, so I helped her get a 35 hexagon FOWLR.
During the ice storm of 2 years ago, Gabe's tropicals died because the power was out for a couple of weeks, so I took over that tank and made into my very first reef with softies.
We are now planning a 180 reef using the 55 of his as the sump/fuge...
He got me started, and maybe now he regrets it. :jumping: