Men vs. Women


Active Member
I read posts all the time about convincing the wife/husband of buying more fish, bigger tanks, etc. Just curious how many primary tank owners are men? women?


New Member
we have 4 tanks....2 fresh( 200g,55g), 2 reef(145g, 55g)
My HUSBAND started them ALL, got ME inerested, then abandoned them for the most part....he helps with mechanicals when I need him to but the rest is MY JOB!!!


my hubby enjoys buying the fish, but I am the one "handling" everything, water changes, feeding, taking care of the equipment and fish, making sure there is enough light, everything. Then he comes to check things out. Lucky guy
I do enjoy it though, and at times the hobby is frustrating.


Active Member
Most hobbiests I've meet in person have been men (I'd estimate 75-80% with myself included in that figure), but discussing the hobby on internet, the bias seems to be close to 50/50.


New Member
wanted to pm you MYTANK....but it says admin has disabled pm???
Sounds like we have a LOT in common AND I'm down the street in Arlington...i love animals and gardening too!


My husband enjoys watching the tank, but I am the one who takes care of everything. If you ask him, he says it is my deal.


I'm in charge of the freshwater tanks and my husband the salt.
If something mechanical happens on our fresh, he helps out, but he does not like them at all. :confused:


Active Member
my husband and i are both equally addicted to this hobby. i handle most of the water changes and water testing, he handles all the plumbing, lighting and equipment.


In our house, it's my tank, my responsiblity. If my hubby had anything to say about it, it would be to get rid of it.
Though....I have caught him studying the SW tank every once in a while.


in hy house i do it all my wife does go near the tank she thinks im nuts for spending close to 800 bucks on the 12g.


Staff member
I think it is a given there are more men in this hobby then women. I think it is because the hobby has aspects to it that women tend to shy away from, like plumbing, hauling heavy items, carpentry, electrical retrofits, etc., etc. That's my take anyway, but, of course, I don't know why more women aren't in the hobby, but it is mostly men. Now, that is why I am in this hobby....mostly men. :D


Woman - owned tanks here. 1 FW, 2 SW. It was a client of mine (a man) who conviced me to try saltwater.


Active Member
Many years ago, my soon-to-be husband bought me a betta and we dropped him in a little bowl. I was sick of cleaning the little bowl every 2-3 days, so he moved into a 5 gallon tank.
The 5 gallon tank could hold more fish, so I bought more. :joy:
Gabe then bought 2 10 gallon tanks of his own for goldies and FW tropicals.
Not to be outdone, I bought a 29 gallon for my goldies.
Then he bought a 30 for his tropicals, sold both 10 gallons, and bought a 55 for goldies.
For Christmas, I got just enough money to get a nicely equipped 20 gallon tank, and at first I had goldies in there.
Then I made the switch over to SW. I moved the goldies into the 29 and converted the 20 into a FOWLR. My clownfish are now 2 years old. :happy:
My mom wanted a tank too, so I helped her get a 35 hexagon FOWLR.
During the ice storm of 2 years ago, Gabe's tropicals died because the power was out for a couple of weeks, so I took over that tank and made into my very first reef with softies.

We are now planning a 180 reef using the 55 of his as the sump/fuge...
He got me started, and maybe now he regrets it. :jumping:


Active Member
My tank is actually an Office tank where i work, but i m the only one who takes care of it, all the girls in the office Love it but wont touch it!


The tanks have always been my thing. My wife and daughter are the ones with the 2 dogs, 2 cats and a macaw, all of which I also take care of.....all I wanted were my fish.


Tanks and dogs went the same way. In the store they were sooo cute. Took them home and now they are mine to take for a walk or do the water change. Wife just likes to pet the dogs and feed the fish.