Men vs. Women


My wife will feed the fish, but that's about it. We have a 55reef, 30species tank, 29FW, and a 1200 Gallon catfish pond. She did help dig the hole for that one though!!!


Its all mine ...the responsibility and the joy of watching . I only hear about it from my wife when the costs get too high.:happy:


Active Member

Originally posted by Beth
Now, that is why I am in this hobby....mostly men. :D

lol, that's the same reason I majored in psychology in college, mostly girls. too bad there weren't more girls in business, because my psych degree hasn't served me well at all.


Tank, toilets, dinner, laundry, it's all mine when something needs done. But when it comes to reaping the benefits, it depends on who you ask at the time, who's it is. LOL.
Kinda funny, when friends come over and compliment the tank, my hubby is quick to act interested and pretend like he know what's going on in that glass cage. LOL:D


Active Member

Originally posted by Pontius
because my psych degree hasn't served me well at all.

That's very interesting. How does it make you feel?
You owe me $10.


Active Member
eh, I feel better now that i went back and got a real estate license.
what do I owe you $10 for?


Active Member
never mind, I get it. lol. I would've figured it out quicker if I'd wasted another 4 years in psychology.

delta lady

New Member
The tank "I" just started is mostly my responsibility. My husband has always talked about having a saltwater aquarium, but I was the one who actually made it happen. He is interested and loves to comment on the set-up and ask what will I do next, but I am the one who maintains the tank and feed the fish.