mental note.....r/o unit


Folks, Has this ever happened to anyone else??
I have a kent marine r/o unit mounted near the sink in my "fish room". the other nite I turned the unit on (it runs waste water to the sink, and good water to a 30 gal trash can) Yesterday, I went to work like normal, realized about lunchtime that I had not shut this down. I ran home and found about 15 gals of r/o water on the floor.
Geez I gotta remember to buy and install that float switch!


Active Member
Yeah - unfortunately I allowed this to happen once. Lost a few gallons of the good water :( No huge deal, but now I run my Kent unit when I am going to be home, and got a cheap alarm clock that I set just to remind me.
Looking into using the float valve myself someday soon ;)


New Member
i have an r/o unit also and bought the kent marine float valve to go in my sump....when the water level in my sump gets low do to evaporation my r/o kicks in and fills fresh water back in the tank to keep salinity stable and my pumps from running dry.....awesome setup i sugest this setup to you also........i have a tee in the line so i can also fill up extra water for water changes it has a ball valve to turn on and off.


brian, sounds like a great idea! Do you have an email address? I would like to hear more if you don't mind about how you set this puppy up!! right now I have 2 30 gal trash cans sitting in the room, one for makeup and one for salt mix.
you can email me at