Messing With Camera


Active Member
Nice looking pics, what type camera is that?
james - They are called green striped mushrooms... no sarcasm, that's just what they are called.

salty rick

I have always known them as neon green striped mushrooms.
The camera is a Kodak DC 280 Zoom Digital Camera. 2.0 Megapixel. I use Adobe Photodeluxe Business Edition to size and enhance the photos.


Your frogspawn seems to be doing well. :) Keep the pics coming ! Don't be afraid to make em bigger though.


Nice Pics! What kind of lighting are u using? I also would like to know if the Rock Anemone stays put ? My Condi roams sometimes and Ive lost 3 Hairy Mushrooms because of it.

salty rick

For those who asked:
Lighting is two 40 Watt NO Coralife 50/50, One 40 Watt Coralife 10,000K and one 30 Watt NO Blue Atinitic.
Rgarding Rock Anemonie, It has been on that rock for about two years. They do not move and they are very hardy. However, they are not clown hosting anemonies. use to sell them. I got mine at the local LFS, although, they haven't carried them since. Like other anemonies you have to feed them and they sting.