Metal clamps in tank.....

tx reef

Active Member
Is it harmful to corals and fish to use metal clamps under water in a sump?
I used flex hose to connect my return pump and skimmer pump. They are the circular clamps that you use a screwdriver to tighten up.


Active Member
I dont know TX reef but if they're stainless clamps the wont corroge. If they're something else, then the'yll rust and breakup and then leach the metal they are made of into the water. Can you use plastic tie wraps instead? Just to be on the safe side?


those clamps that you tighten with a screwdriver will rust in water but if you go to a pool store they might have plastic ones


Active Member
I agree with wattsup. Plastic ties work great for this, and since you are in a sump, you usually don't need to worry if the joint leaks a bit.


Active Member
Yeah zip ties work good and they also have those Plastic Clamps that you press together and they click/lock into place..