metal halide 175watt kelvin rating?


New Member
I just recently prchased a mh175watt 12k and it was too blue so I traded it in for a 10k. It is still too blue.I am looking for a crisp white sunlight type bulb. What kelvin would that be? the industrial halide fixture I bought came with a bulb but it was like a yellow/white light. I cannot seem to find that exact sunlight look. Is 55k or 65k what I am looking for because they are 1/2 as cheap. Please help so i can put this damn bulb on ---- or something if there is a better kelvin . Its just for a fish only tank. The sunlight effect I am surching for is just for looks.


Active Member
10K too blue <img src="graemlins//eek.gif" border="0" alt="[eek]" /> No pun intended of course, I kinda like the natural look myself ;) Are you running actinic supplementation, if so what kind. I could see 10K being too blue if they were in combination with 2 actinic VHO. I run my 10ks with NO bulbs, one actinic, one full spectrum and that seems perfect, very crisp white. 65-55K bulbs would give you a close rendition of the spectrum of the sun, the blue increases as the light penatrates deeper waters. Your right, they are cheaper, and they are also known to be brighter and longer lasting than the more expensive 10+K bulbs, with the exception of your sitiuation, the german 10K is pretty darn bright, and as far as 175 watt halides are concerned it my be the best all around bulb available. You might also look into a german 65k. HTH


New Member
So a 65k bulb is not yellow or red in any sort? I do have a 4 foot vho fixture with blue and white bulbs in it...


Active Member
Oh yeah a 65k can be very yellow depending on the brand, but so is the sun ;) Most run lower K halides in combination with actinics to achieve a happy medium. You will most likely want two actincs to supplement a 65K. HTH


look in some of the bulb charts i think has them some 10k are blue/white - crisp white yellowish ect but it tells you.