Metal Halide and Heat...


So I've been running 4x54 t5s for about a year now, and I'm thinking about upgrading to 2 x 150w HQI halides, but I'm concerned about heat. I'm looking at the current usa sunpod unit,it hasa high CFM fan, and I plan on running at least one other fan inside my canopy. My concern is heat here obviously, anyone else run a similar setup on a 55?...there's no way I can afford to get a chiller.


I just put a Hamilton 250mh 10000k x 192 Pc blues on my tank. I have had a two degrees rise in temp. The unit sits on top of my 54. It came with two fans.


Do you have a canopy though? I really would like to keep my canopy on as well, it looks so much cleaner.


Would someone just tell me it's no big deal already. So I can make the I just don't want to end up with a bigger problem on my hands after.


I do not have a canapy. I say go for it. Many people just blow fans across thier tanks if the heat becomes a issue. I have a ceiling fan above my tank.


Does anyone have an opinion on the current usa sunpod units? They have a bunch of LEDs and 2 14k DE HQI 150w metal halides....


I just got the outer orbit by current: 2-150MH, and 2-130 dual actinic. The first couple days b4 I had it all figured out it raised the temp about 3-4degrees, then I put a fan on the same time as the MH and now it doesnt raise it at all. I dont have a canopy!!!!!!


I would be a little concerned with putting a enclosed unit under a hood. Have you considered retro fit setup?


I currently have a 75gal tank with 2 250watt Reef Star Metal Halide pendants from Hamilton Tech. They are only 3 1/2 inches tall which allow them to fit under the canapy. As far as the heat they produce, I installed a couple of computer fans that I picked up from Radio Shack that were mounted under the back of the canapy that take care of any heat problems.
Good luck in making your decision.


Thanks a lot, maybe the pendants would be the way to go, or retro fit. Am I right saying the ballasts are actually built inside the fixture if I were to buy the sunpod, which would create more heat inside the canopy?


Active Member
I have the 36" Sunpod on my 65gal and love it. Its got the 2x150w HQI as well, with 18 moonlights. I am thinking off adding some slim line T-5 actinics, although I dont think its needed with the 14k bulbs. I did alot of research and for the money and quality, the Sunpod was perfect for me.
As to the heat issue, I did switch my lighting to 8pm - 3am which is when I can view the tank most. Also, i added a clip-on fan from walmart to my sump. The fan is on the same timer as the MHs. My A/C is on all day now too. But my temp stays 79 +/-1 deg. The fixture seems to run pretty cool, yes the ballasts are in the fixture. The hot air shoots straight up.
Also, I dont think the fixture will fit under a canopy.


Hey scales, I looked into gettin some of those...the 14k 150w version tho. I found them on special for 188.99 each. 420 total shipped for two, which I think is pretty good? I was wondering if you had a full tank shot with them on ?


I will get you a pic of my setup showing you how I installed the lights into the canapy. I do have a chiller as well, but with the installation of the fans on the back side of the canapy, they seem to do a pretty good job of keeping the water temp down. With the 150watt lamps, I wouldn't think you would need a chiller if you installed fans to blow the heat out from under the canapy.


Active Member
Did you make the plunge???? I'd say go for it......Just make sure there not mounted right off the water, and you'll probably have to add a fan or 2, but shouldn't see major heat issues if your hood is vented right


Active Member
Someone on here said at one point..that they put bottles of frozen water in their sump when the water is getting to warm...seems like a good idea to me...I plan on doing it or using a cheap clip on fan if I have the same problem with my 250 Aqua-medic