Metal Halide Clamp On Lamp


Hey! I wanna change my stock lighting out for a 150 watt K2-VIPER METAL HALIDE CLAMP ON LAMP. What do yall think about this decision. Is that to much for my aquapod 12 gallon?


Active Member
I think it's over kill. I'm buying the sunpod 70 watt metal halide for my 14 gallon. A lot of people on here recommend it.


If getting the sunpod, I would pay the extra 20 and get 150W, that's just me though. As long as you can offset the heat output.


will there is another one clam on but its 70 watt. Its 50 bucks less or 40 somethign like that. What do yall think about that?


O yeah if i do get the sunpod 70 watt how much is it gonna run me and what can i have? Demartini and who ever else wants to help me out buy which lighting is good for my aquapod 12 gall


Active Member
Sure,you can pay the extra $30 and get the 150 MH, but be prepared for uncontrollable algae and over heating problems. Really that much lighting is not necessary for such a small tank. Save your money and buy the 70-watt. You will be really happy with it. When I get mine I'm going to add an anemone and a bunch of little clams. The sunpod is $220 on the nanotuners website.


I agree, I have the 150w on my 24 and it is MORE THAN PLENTY, however I keep clams and the like. On a twelve gallon it would be TOTAL overkill! Go for the 70!


Active Member
Originally Posted by Kiddie LaLa
Do I get in trouble for posting that, or is it only for competitor sites? :notsure: Becuz I dont wanna get in trouble.

the mods wont let you keep up that link because the site has forums like this one.


Active Member
There is a guy on here... I think he SN is basketball. He put a 150 over his 14 and he has had problems. I'm not sure how it's going now, but last I heard he was still fighting the algae and the heat. Make sure you acclimate your corals to which ever light you get. In my honest opinion It's still over kill... Your tank isn't big enough for SPS to thrive in and the 70 watts is fine for any LPS, anemones, polyps, clams... basically anything short of SPS.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Kiddie LaLa
I think differ. I'm going to have 150 watt Viper on my 15 gal. I know you guys think this is over kill.
if you are going to add a 150 then I would suggest going with the coralife clamp on instead of the viper... I hear the viper isn't that great. It has no fans and burns out really fast. the coralife MH does cost more, but it's worth the extra money.

rabid frog

Active Member
Hey DeMartini,
I odered the 70 watt for my wife. It should be here this week :jumping:
Is yours the hqi bulb? Ours is going to be. I hope it brings out some nice colors in the corals W/o the heat problems.
Off topic, looks like you got rid of the sunpolyps. Hope you got some neat goodies for those!!!


Active Member
I'm ordering mine soon, but I am going to get the hqi bulb.
I decided to keep them. They add great color... they are just a pain to feed!


Active Member
I have the 150 K2 on my 24 nano and it works great, but heat is sometimes an issue, but not a bad enough issue to cause me to have to take any action. On 12g, it might be worse though.
A side note... a lot of sites let you upgrade the bulb for a few more bucks. If you can, upgrade the bulb to the Hamilton, XM, etc rather than the JBJ.
The JBJ bulbs have a track record of premature envelope rupture (thus ruining the bulb). Mine failed in that exact way after 3 months, JBJ replaced it, but if it had done it a week later, it would have been out of warranty. Even still, I was without my lighting for a week and had to set up a backup pendant I had, but many people have no backup...


The only way that I would go with the 150 watt is if you have plans to upgrade your tank in the future. I have the 70 watt MH and 2 25 watt PC's and can keep any type of coral I want to in my 12 gal. No need to have the extra heat. We already have issues with heat because of the size of our tanks. Yeah it may not be that much more to go with the 150 watt but then you may have to look into getting a chiller of some sort which we all know aren't cheap.


yeah the chillers are very expensive but I decided i am going to the 70 watt for my 12 gallon aqua butttttt i want to know first from chull or anyone else how hot does it get up to in the 12 gallon. Thats my only issue. O yeah and what is the maximum it can get up 2 for the tank to still be good

rabid frog

Active Member
Just got mine set up today. My tank temp actually dropped!! It is in the normal range now. I took apart the aquapod hood to see what made it tick, low and behold most of it was broke. My fan was just hanging on by a piece of copper wire, the shroud part of the fan was completely busted. There is another element to which I do not know what it is. But it was broken also.
All this time the fan was making noise but not doing anything I guess.
I could not be happier with the new light though. The 14k hqi bulb makes one hell of a difference. The 8 moon lights are nice too, being how the originals were about shot.
I will post some pictures tomorrow, its getting late and I need some sleepies!!