Metal Halide Clamp On Lamp


Like I said before, if you can offset the heat go with the 150.
I've never heard of algae problems because the tank has too many watts over it. If the lights are the problem then I would suggest getting new bulbs. There could be many reasons for the algae growth but really doubt it's because of the watt output of the lights.
I have a friend with 250W DE's on his 20 long supplemented with (130W I think) pc actinics. It's been fine for over 2 yrs.
I agree, that the extra watts are not needed for that tsize tank but as we all know in this hobby. A lil down the road we all will be like I shoulda done this or that. Lighting and tank size are always things that come up.


Again I stress that the 70w are plenty. As for the aquapod, my temp dropped DRAMATICALLY after removing the hood to add the sunpod, it was awesome!


Nanokid I think you made the right decision. I do not have the clip on light so I can't really help you with the temp. I customized my hood and installed the MH inside the hood. I have a major issue with heat because my light is sitting about 1/2 an inch from the water. As far as a good temp is concerned I think it is more about consistency than anything. I would try to keep it at a constant temperature in the 78 to 81 range. Try not to let it fluctuate. I have even heard of people keeping their tanks as high as 83 but as long as it is constant than you are good.


Active Member
I just bought the sunpod 70 watt MH!! It's for my 14 gallon nano... I'm so excited!
G13 is right... the 150 is good if you plan on upgrading, but I think you may have trouble keeping low light corals. You will like the 70.


chull13 thank u so much for helping me out. What size is your tank? O yea and the good thing is I have my aquapod is in my room and i usally have my hood open a little and i have my sealing fan on med and when I get home from school my temp is around 78 and its right next to the window.