metal halide diy

b bauer

will the glass on a halogen fixture work to block ulta violet?I have seen pics of people who have made diy fixtures with old work lights.I don't want to fry my fish


I'm not really sure 'bout that. I'm afraid I don't know 'bout Metal hilide or any of the stuff that works with them so................... ya.

mpls man

Active Member
if you have the option of removing the glass i probally would, then mount the light far enough from the water, in my canopy i mounted the lights about 10" from the water, never had a problem.
heres a pic of my retro on my 75.
The single ended bulbs outer glass is uv resistant glass so no uv shield needed on them. The hqi's are the ones that require the shield.


I read some where that you just need Polerized glass and that the tempered glass is polerized so it dose the trick. it been a month (for corals 4 for fish) with mine and all my stuff looks good.