Metal Halide Lighting System

I just got a hexagon shaped tank recently for free(25 gallons) that I want to convert into a high-powered SPS tank. As such, I am looking for places that I can pick up the following hood system:
1-2 metal halides with 10000K light bulbs/20000k bulbs
2 vho or pc acitinic bulbs
2 fans
this is the's got to fit the following dimensions for the tank top: 20x10
I cant get a hanging pendant. Any places??? Thanks in advance


Active Member
sorry get out of topic, but they sell grape macro at nippon now, i have no idea on the price, but im thinking about getting some
Entice-I will be stopping by Nippon in the next couple of weeks to check out their light systems. If you see any metal halide hood systems before I get there, can you keep an eye out for their prices?
I am building a new reef tank that can support hard corals so I am spending a little more on lighting this time. Grape capura,eh? I know 6th avenue was selling a purple and green calupura for around $10 for a cup full.
Is your tank fully cycled?


Active Member
yes indeed it is, has 2 firefish and 3 chromises.
I'll try to take pics next time i go, its totally up to my friend though since hes driving. Im thinking about getting the grape calupera.
you should give them a call, they dont have a lot of them. Im sure they can give the price.