Metal Halide Pendant


Anyone use MH pendants?
Would one need two for a 48'' tank?
If you use these, how do you supplement the light with actinics?
Gosh, I feel so ign'nt...


I got a pendant, but I have a 29G, so it's only 30 inches long. It's good enough for that, but you might need a second one for a longer tank. Depends on how much light you need, I guess. Don't know about supplementing with actinics. The problem is that you can't really put a strip on top of the tank because it will block the MH light... Perhaps someone else has a suggestion!


Could you show us another shot with the 20000K lights (ie full tank). I was thinking about getting some but I didn't know if it might be too blue looking. What has your experience been like?


My pendant isn't round, it's rectangular and covers 2/3 of the surface. I got 14000K lights and it's white with just a little blue. I was afraid 20000K would be too blue. But wish I could have just a bit of actinic to color-up the BTA, which looks much greener at night with the moon-light on and almost white during the day.


Active Member
I personally love it.
I tried taking a few pics of it and it still comes out slightly lighter (less blue) than it really is. It also does not give the true colors off. I guess the lighting is too much for my little, outdated digital camera to handle. Either that or operator has been a long week.
Anyway, here is a pic. Excuse the tank messiness as tomorrow is cleaning day (for the fish...not me). The purples look grey and my purple, pink and green LR looks grey in this pic. Other than that, looks about right. The clowns, tang and damsel are about right on in color so I am dumbfounded as to what is going on. 20+ pics and they all turn out the same. Anyway, Hope this helps!


Active Member
Originally Posted by Saltyfishy
TheGrog can you post the top of your tank? Do you have it covered?
The problem I had was that the pendants shed so much extra light in the room that it felt like a tanning bed was in there. So, I built a pseudo-hood that goes around three sides, blocking light scatter from the rest of the room. The top is open....sort of. I have a single 5" glass plate over each half of the tank. This is just to keep some water splatter from hitting the bulbs and other things in the tank. Really don't think they are necessary (the glass) but they don't seem to be hurting anything.
Here is a pic of the inside corner.


Active Member
Originally Posted by fmelindy
whoa! look at the size of that colt! How big was it when you got it?
About 4 inches tall!!! It was just a little cutting. Now it is near the waters surface when it is fully extended. It has had arms (if you can call them that) sucked into powerheads a few times and still is going strong. You can't even see the corals behind it now because it is so big. It hides my other mushrooms, sponge and feather duster!