Metal Halide question for 240 gal reef


Contractor started this morning on finishing our basement. We are putting a 240 gal 24Wx25Hx96L tank down there and mounting it flush in the one wall with back access from the utility room. I hope the attchment loads but if not my question is what lighting would be the best for a reef set up. I have 3 dividers going across the top which gives me 4 openings that are about 18" square. I was thinking 4 MH 250W or 400W and probably 14,000K bulbs. The tank is drilled for my sump so I will be stacking the live rock up to hide that and most likely half way up in the center area. I want to make sure I get enough light to the bottom for clams.
I haven't been a member long and love the site and the way everybody helps out. I only want to build this system up once and do it right the first time.
Thanks, Doug


Active Member
4x400 w would be sufficient for your depth as clams love a sand bed. feel free to suppliment with pc lights or vho. make sure you have everything on a timer system for day/night changes.


Do you think I could get by with the 250w or would I have to add to it ? Also is the 14,000K all right ? I am going with timmers for sure and the moon lights. Thanks


are you making an open type drop up/down hood (using pulleys or something) or planning on using pendants?