Metal Halide question


The story is: I got talked into 2 4x65w Current PC's, got them from another site one ballast is broken so I am sending it back. I want to upgrade to 2x250w Metal halide. Found a PFO retro on another site=dual 2x250 w/ ballast, cords, quick connect and 10k bulbs for $430 minus my credit=$257. I want to do it but my real question is can I place my other Current PC along with the MH onto my cannopy? Will they fit and or work? Any thoughts on this would be appreciated. Help a brother out lol.


Active Member
I don't see why you couldn't depending how much room you have in your canopy... Anything is possible just depends how ingenious you get:)


My neighbors business is as a handyman, he is going to help me put them on the canopy. We will find a way! Gotta have MH because I want to do clams and acropora. :D


I just saw on that auction site a 2x250w 10k MH system with spider reflectors, quick disconect cords, ballast for $235. Made by Catalina aquariums. Does anyone know this brand and if they are any good, because the price is right! Please let me know if you have any info. If not I am going with the PFO setup listed in first part of thread. Thanks


Found another site with the same PFO set up 2x250w dual ballast and bulbs for $398. Anyone know anything about the Catalina system please post for me. Thanks.