Metal Halide Questions


What is the cheapest way to get into metal halides for a 75 gallon tank. Would one 175watt bulb at 10,000k be enough?
What is the difference in the EXPENSIVE MH bulbs that lfs stores sell for over 100 dollars and the ones they sell at home depot that are exactly the same on watts and Kelvin that are 20.00 Please help.


Active Member
Check out e bay for halides. Most people recomend one halide for every two feet of rank length. If it is over 18" tall you should go with a 250 watt light. Does Home Depot have 10K rated lamps?


The MH lights at HomeDepot are 5k, they might be good for plants but, they are not prefered for coral. Most common bulb used by most reef aquarist is the 10k. Some people use the 20k's but it's too blue for my taste.