Metal Halide System In A Oak Canopy?


New Member
Can some please give some information regarding placing a Jebo Odessey 492W system inside a Oak Canopy with a lid. The aquarium is 75g and 48" long The unit is enclosed with fans 2 150 watt Halides, 2 96w Actinic Power Compact Bulbs, plus 6 Lunar Lights. It's a nice unit but I'm concerned about the lighting unit overheating and possible damage to the canopy. I like the style of my aquarium with the canopy on, so I'm not interested in losing the canopy but as with most I guess I want it all. Canopy & light system. If anyone has any experience with this type of equipment please share. Thanks.


Is the canopy open in the back? If not you need to cut a few holes in it and add some fans. + im not sure how tall your canopy is, but for MH they need to be at least 8-10" from the water. Im making mine 12".


New Member
The Canopy is open at the back. If I was to use the stands for this light, the clearance is only 4" from the glass cover. I guess heat from the MH would build up causing more heating of the water because of the semi-closed canopy. Would extra fans cool down the lights? Or is that asking to much and possibly cause the tank to over-heat? Is there any other opinions or suggestions keeping in mind I still wish to use the canopy?


It sounds like you're lighting system has built in cooling... Just make sure the fan inlets and exhaust of your light system can breath...
If you're MH's have glass covers, that's good. They act as "heat shields" to the water.
I wouldn't worry about it if the back of your canopy is open. You should be fine.
I'd leave a little space between the top of your light system and the top of the canopy as well. A little breathing room would be good.
I also wouldn't worry about heat damaging the wood. It takes quite a bit of heat to damage wood. Besides, the lights are enclosed already.


New Member
Thanks to you guys for all the great feedback. Yes the unit has internal cooling system and there is room for air to cirulate around the unit. Glass covers 90% of the surface of the aquarium. If I have heating issues I'm have to deal with it. A cooling unit isn't much of an idea cause I live in Canada so Winters can get cool. Good form. Thanks again.