Metal Halide Which k should I use?


I have a 90 Gal. Reef with anemones and clowns, that I plan to spawn. I purchased a 250 watt metal halide unit. I would like suggestions of what k bulb I should use.


Active Member
The 20k's are very asthetically pleasing which is my reason for having them.
They growth difference I'm going to see on my tank by running XM's really isn'y going to bother me, as long as I like the look of my tank.
Growth isn't everything. IMO anyway.

nm reef

Active Member
I'm going with 10k's(400 watts) and 2x110 super actinic VHO's...I've seen the combination and I like the numerous reefers seem to have had success with the same type combination.:cool:


just 2 add my .02 cents i like my 250w 6500k iwasakis, a little on the yellow side but growth seems good. i have 1 175w 10k ushio that really looks nice also, in the future i think im gonna try 10k's 2 see if there is a difference in growth but until then im sticking with what i got.