Metal Halide???


i have a 65 gallon reef tank right now and i want to run two 250 watt fixtures. i will have the 20,000k bulbs, so i still get that blue look with out buying extra VHO actinic bulbs.
i will be hanging them about 10 inches from the water and the whole canopy will be exposed to alot of air flow, so will i still need to get a chiller?
also should i run fans on the top or sides or the back?


Active Member
Is your tank Long or Tall?? If it long i would run the fans on top, tall it would be ok to run them on the sides. Also remember the penetration depth of the lights, dont hang them too high off the tank, the may not penetrate to the bottom. And as far as the chiller its hard to say, i dont run one on my 125 with MH's but theres been a few times i wish i had. So if you can afford one get it in other words. If not cross your fingers!

Goodluck to ya Todd


Active Member
I think the 250 watts willl be ok at 6 have a long tank, the best in my opinion, i have one of each and i like the long better. And i think the 250 watts reach at least 24 to 28 inches deep. I cant remember, maybe one of the Mods will see this and help us out here. Theres a chart somewhere that tells how deep each wattage penetrates. I got to get for 2night, ill check in the AM and see if anyone else has helped and if not i see what else i can find. Goodluck todd


I have a 72 gal 18" deep with 2 250 watt MH & 2 VHO and I run them about 9 inches off the far a as chiller goes, as long as my AC is on during the hot days, my tank stays right where I want it to be. The canopy has a couple of fans, and I also usually have a fan going in the room.
Hope you like the lights and good luck
