metal halide ?


i have a 100 gal tank with 2-96w and 4-55w pc's with soft corals. i want to upgrade to metal halide. any sugestions? i would like to go with 2x175 watt. what ballast? what bulbs?
i want to be able to keep some hard corals and maybe a clam?
thanks ahead of time


Active Member
oh man, do a search on Metal Halides, many choices on bulbs and Ballasts, no one has the right answer, its what you like and works for you:)


I would go for two Ice cap 250 eletronic ballast with 250w 10k Ushio bulb with the actinics suplements that you've already had. If you can afford 400w go for it!!!! Again, it's your reference!

nm reef

Active Member
Try a search for a Dual PFO ballast with a pair of Iwaski 250 watt 65k bulbs...thats on my list of up-grades when I go to a 120+ display. several sources for the products.....check 'em out. But as mentioned its really up to you/your budget/and what you plan to keep...tons of viable options out there.