Metal Halide ???


New Member
Well Hello To All !!!! Been reading alot out here and now my first!!!!
Just bought a 2 X 250 halide retro for my 75 gal reef that currently has a 4x65 pc. How far above the water should they be (ie. 6in, 12in)? Or, does it not matter... Any input would be great.. I also have a 1/4 hp chiller so, i am not really sure heat will be a prob.
75 gal Reef
170 lbs lr
100 lds live sand
Yellow Tang
2 Maroon Clowns (mated pair)
2 Blue Chromis
2 Bristle Stars
5 Cleaner Shrimp
4 different mushroom rocks
Colt coral
green brain
med toadstool leather


Active Member
welcome to the board - and the MH's should be high enough so they don't get splashed - DVSKIN has it right 8-12 inches....