What are you basing your assesment of 'great' tanks on? Saying what is a great tank, and what is a great, great tank is subjective, as sometimes people simply have nicer colored secimens than other people. Obviously color is based in part on lighting and husbandry, but sometimes, some corals are just nicer than others of the same species, regardless of lighting.
I'm not trying to twist what you're saying, and I'm not trying to start a flame war, but the fact of the matter is that HQI bulbs are better than mogul bulbs. End of story. Saying that all the best tanks you have seen use mogul bulbs is annecdotal, and not based on anything but your personal opinion. All relevant technical data I have seen supports the opposite view. The differences between the two are not great in the first place, but to say that moguls are way better than HQI bulbs is giving bad advice.