metal halides claim that you have to use uv filter lens I have 2 250 watt in my 150 gallon tank and I am having trouble hair algae and I am trying to cover all my bases


I have 3 400 watt MH and use no lens and i am not having a problem with hair algea, I would check you water to see if something else is having an effect, phosphates or something. the main point of having MH lights is their sheer brillance, why would you want to filter that? other thing how long is your photo period? that could make a major difference.
now from noon till 8:00 pm metal halides only 12000K 2 250 watt. I was running 2 140 watt 50/50 vho's from noon till 6:00pm then the metal halides from 5:30pm till 9:00pm


that has got to be the starngest light periods i have ever heard of :) i run my actinics for 2 hrs befor and 2 hrs after my MH. give a nice dawn dusk effect.


this is sort of off the topic but, I now have a 12000K MH and was wondering if I still have to us actinics, or are they just for looks?

david s

i am runing 2/175 ab 10k bulbs and 2/65 7100 atinic looks awsome imo just a 12k doesnt look as bright and brilant