Originally Posted by
I forgot to mention the point... but I do not know of any T5 configuration that yields 96w. Only PC, and there is no comparison in that case. Even if Halide costs a bit more to run, you'll make it up in savings from lamp changes.
24wx4 T5 HO =96w
First and foremost 4 quality T5 HO tubes spreading over the length of ANY tank equal to or less than 1ft front to back and 21" or less of height is more than enough to keep ANYTHING (ex: 20g long=30"x12"x12" with 24wx4 T5, 30g long=36"x12"x16" with 39wx4 T5, 55g= 48"x12"x21" with 54w x4 will keep ANYTHING). the appearent low wattage is a function of shorter tubes. 4 tubes of T5 across the length of a foot wide tank is 4 tubes of t5 across the length of a foot wide tank wattage total be damned. a 20g long with 96w is more intense than a 30g with 156w or 55g with 216w simply because they are all the same size front to back, they all have 4 T5 tubes spanding the length of the tank with the only "functional" difference being the 20g is 4-9" shallower than the other set ups with 4 t5 HO tubes.
secondly you dont have a tank large enough to be concerning yourself with cost to run lighting. there is no way you can run 4 T5 tubes and a single halide (wont fit over the tank) so you are either considering switching to a single 150w halide alone or running 24wx2 T5 +150wx2. Going from 96w T5 to a 150w halide is no more costly than going from 4 bulb T5 to a 6 bulb T5 (150w vs 144w). even just comparing 96w to 150w or 96w to 198w (150w + 24wx2) you are still only talking a 54 to 102w difference. if you live in any seasonal area and have central heating or ac you cant possibly be concerning ones self with a 100w 8hr light cycle difference in cost. In fact running your oven for one hour at 350 deg uses nearly twice the energy of running a 150w halide for an 8hr light cycle. to get good coverage and intensity over 30" comparative to four T5 HO you'll need a lumenmax 3 or cayman sun reflector hung over the tank (the only two wide dispersion reflectors I know of made in DE 150w. SE and 250w DE have more choices). a 30" 150w sunpod for example is not an equavalent in intensity to 4x24w t5 over a 30" tank (perhaps over 2ft or in my case two covering 3ft).
there are a thousand household ways in YOUR situation to save 100w/8hrs without touching the tank but I think you'll be fine with 24wx4. even entry level fixtures like sundials and SLR novas with decent bulbs will easily suffice for a 12" tall 20g long keeping anything.
and I dont believe halide bulbs cost anymore or have to be replaced anymore than t5. four t5 cost about $80. my aquamaxx 14k cost $30 each and I could get phoenix for about $90/pr or ushios for $110. I dont buy into T5s lasting more than a yr or halides having to be changed sooner than a year. If extended life of a T5 is a function of the lower wattage compared to pc or VHO I'd conclude they last typically 1 to 1.5yrs max and they are highly sensitive to heat degredation where halides are not.