Mexican Dragon Eel


Let me start off with sayin that i posted this on another board but didnt get enough feedback so i decided to bring it to the masters...lolz
Can anyone give me advice on feeding my mexican dragon(jeweled moray eel) Every time i try to feed my triggers he always attacks them when he smells the scent of food. How can I feed both my fish and my eel without the eel eating everything. Also I been feeding the eel and frozen shrimp(defrosted from the freezer) I know its not the best of foods but i havent been to my lfs in about a month so until then thats what I am feeding him. I usually give him one every 2-3 days. I'll throw in some live once or twice a month. But just give me any personal advice on these guys. I read about them and they said they could be in only a 50 gallon tank and stay under 2 feet. I just looked at another sight today and it said 200 gallons so he might be going back to the store if thats right. 2 sites said 50 gallon and 1 said 200 gallons so I don't know what to is needed.
and how can i put a pic directly in thread. I will post a pic of the eel when i find that out.


Active Member
Ive got a brazillian dragon that is quite similar. He used to do the same thing. However, he ended up eating all of his tankmates. Try to feed him everyday. An eel wont stuff itself. Feed it as much fresh seafood as it will take a day. Then, go to feed the triggers. After stuffing himself, he wont be interested in food or fighting. He probably wont eat everyday, but offer before you feed the rest of the fish anyway. Mine sometimes will eat everyday for two weeks and then not eat for three. They have very strange eating habits.


well sounds like a common problem w/ having both fast swimming fish & eels.- thoughts come to mind 1)- Can you feed the triggers first, then feed your eel, or alternatively somehow trap your triggers away from the eel, by using a divider or plasitc sheet.
Next, 2)-teach the eel to eat off a feeding stick, essentially you impale the food item onto the end of ta long food stick (I use a 3ft long 1/4" rigid acrylic airline tube) and push the food stick into the eels cave or nook, you might have to lightly tap the nose of the eel w/ the food, but i should get the idea. Yup- feeding stick is the answer


thanx 4 da great help your eel.
FRank thanx 4 da help man but the problem is not that the eel cannot eat cause my fish wont let him, its da total opposite way around. I have been feeding him with a stich which does avoids some quarrels so thanx anyway


i have the same eel and we learned early on that spot feeding was necessary to ensure the safety of his tankmates...i always feed him first and always on the same side of the tank...use a feeding stick if whenever i open up his side of the tank he swims up to the surface before the food hits the water...once he's got a good mouthfull then i feed the other fish...very cool eel...wish mine still lived with me...
also, as to the size/tank question...i've had mine for about 6.5 years in a 75 and he's got tons of room...he's about 18-20"


So i thought correctly....They do stay relatively will he be good it a 46 bow for a year or two?


gas i did what you said and it worked perfectly. Feed the eel 2 raw shrimps, then i threw in some krill for the triggers. At first the eel wen to eat the trigger food too but after struggling with the fish to see who could get to the food first, he let them get it and decided to back off.
Thanks again gas.....U OWN THESE FORUMS...LOLZ