Mexican Snail Inactivity...


Recently added a Mexican Snail to my main tank. It was active in the transfer bag and initially after I put it in the tank (following acclaimation) but ever since the first hour or two it has not moved.
After two days I was getting concerned that it had died and that it would be polluting my tank so I pulled it out and was examining it when the foot retracted into the shell to protect itself.
Is this activity normal? Or is it a post mortem reflex of some sort? Tried positioning it so that the foot was in the sand in case it was having trouble moving, but no movement yet and its been 4 days total...
Water quality is fine, no trates or NH3/4, PH 8.3-8.4 and normal ALK.


4's probably not alive anymore. As for sucking it's foot in when you looked at it. It may have been dying and really week but still able to close up. I would take a look at it again.

bang guy

It sounds to me like it's suffering from osmotic shock from not acclimating it long enough. You will know within another week if it's going to make it.