Mexican snails ?

I brought three today. They have been in the tank for 7 to 8 hours now and one have since went from the initial spot to the top of the tank. On the other hand two of them remains in the same spot. Is this normal? How can I tell if the two that has not moved is alive or not?
snails will initially take their own time to acclimate to your tank...let them will find, when you turn your lights off, the snails will be more active...not for nothin' but I like the mexican turbos the best...they are extremely good cleaners!!
Ok, it's 8 o'clock the next day and the snails have not moved yet. So I picked the two up and there were no movement at all. The one that is alive is a darker shade than the others is that a sign? I called the pet store and they said that there is nothing they can do. Although it's only a $4.00 lost I argued why would they sale it and not make sure it was alive. Then I thought to myself why did I buy something and didn't make sure it was alive?


i too have had the same problem. .... i guess we trust the people at the lfs too much! you can tell a sanil is dead y picking it up and looking inside.if the snail is alive you should be able to see some of its suction cup. if you cant its either crawled too far in and died or has been eaten. mine were thje first but i think the store sold mee 2 dead snail too. here in canada ther 6.99 each. ahhhhhhh. :mad: