Mexican Turbo and Claner Clams Help!!!!


What could have happened to some of my Mexican Turbo Snails.. all thats left is the shell.. The white part that they climb with is gone? about 5 of them are dead with only the shell left. Could my Yellow Tangs had ate them? Also I just got today 15 Cleaner Clams that help with nitrates.. So far they just sit on the bottom of the aquarium.. non has buried in the sand as of yet.. Just came today from so maybe thats normal?


do you have any hermit crabs>
also how did you acclimate the snails and clams?
the clams usually take a little while before they will dig down but they will.
Tangs do not eat snails. there are many other things that will if they die for some reason and hermit crabs are notorious for eating them out for the shell even if they dont take the shell..


Yes I have right now around 15 hermit crabs
But I guess its live and learn on that one.. The acclimation was for 2 hours in a bucket putting water from the aquarium in the bucket with a hose dripping slow.


my quess would be the hermits do you have extra shells in there for them to move into if they are looking to relocate. They kill ans eat the snails and try on the shell and if they dont like it throw it offf and go for another.