Mexican Turbos dying


For some reason i seem to be losing my Mexican Turbos and do not know why. Parameters are all good and all others are doing good. Any suggestions on why they are dying slowly? Do i need to supplement their food?


Active Member
How long have you had them? I think Mexican Turbos are on the list of temperate species that can be acclimated to reef temps but never adapted. They slowly boil to death.


New Member
I lost all of mine because my kids put pennies in my Refugium. Slow process but it kill all my inverts. After many many water changes I am still having troulbe with the snails. Hope o one else has this problem.


Active Member

Originally posted by Nas19320
How long have you had them? I think Mexican Turbos are on the list of temperate species that can be acclimated to reef temps but never adapted. They slowly boil to death.

Agreed......They are a "colder water" snail (temperate) that require an abundance of algae to survive longterm. I think the rule of thumb is 1 for every 10 or 20 gallons. :D


How much colder water are we talking about? My tank is at a constant 78 degrees. Could certain crabs be causing this? I have red legs and scarlets.