MH Bulbs and Algae


i changed my MH bulbs from 10K -65K.. I did get a bit of an Algae Break.
(1)- Can anyone tell me how long this usually last.?..
I am running 2-160w aquasuns and 2-160 Super actinic R's.. (2)-Should I run 3-actinic R and one Aquasun with 2-250 MH 65 k? (3)-What do you think the bulb Setup should be?.. I went to 65k because I wanted a more natural light setup. and I am keeping Hard and soft corals. (4)-Should I go back to the 10k's..
Sorry Tank is a 150 tall Reef

mr . salty

Active Member
Any major change in lighting can/will cause an algae bloom.They can usually be avoided by starting the new lights on a limited daly photo period.And slowly increasing it to what you were running before the change...
To stop an algae bloom in progress,cutting down on the lights for a weekor so usually helps.
PersonallyI prefer the 10k over the 65 bulbs.
But every tank is diferent,yours may do better under the 65...


Thanks for the input... I have cut the photo period down some but it seems like it did not help that much.. I switched to the 65k because I have read that they are really good for the sps and clams... and that is what I am into now.. I still do have some Soft corals. brains and others.. But they are on the sand.. My caps and Acros are close to 3/4 up the tank...I am trying to track the groth rate of the corals and see what is best...I also place anpother pump in the tank for more current at the 3/4 mark hoping this will increase the growth also...
Do you think I should just run actinics and MH... I have aquasuns as well running... I could go with 4 actinic and MH or 3 acninics and mh So it would be like 4/2 or 3/1/2 or 2/2/2 This ia allon timers Actinic/mh (or) actinic/ aquasun// MH